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Other Resources for Teaching Technology

The following links are reference and resource links for teaching technology. This is by no means an exhaustive list, and technology changes rapidly.

Technology learning standards from the OSPI website. These standards are available as a PDF or Word document.
List and links for the top five recommended coding apps to use with students according to the TeacherVision website.
Website for the International Society for Technology in Education. Longtime leaders in technology in education. They offer PD, events, membership and more.
This button links to my Google drive folders for my tech classes for the past several years. There is a ton of junk in here, and not the best organization. "CSIM" is my Tech 1 class, and "App Creators" is Tech 2. You are a viewer, so root around as you like, and make a copy of anything you want to use.

Lesson resources for 6th grade technology class at LaVenture Middle School, 2023