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Geography - Regions of the "New World"

This unit will mainly focus on understanding what a region is, and on identifying certain regions in Europe, Africa, Asia and paraticularly North America. You should also be able to understand why different groups of people migrated to different regions in North America and when those migrations happened.
This unit should take us five weeks to complete and will generally look like this:

This week will include the class introduction and expectations, pre-assessments on geography and selected lessons from your teacher.

This week begins the study of geographic regions, including landform regions.

This week will focus on the study of cultural and economic regions.

This week will focus on the regions explored and colonized by Europeans.

This week will look at English colonial regions, and will also have our geography unit test.

Key Vocabulary Terms

Geography History Civics CBA Beyond
Make sure you are doing your best to complete all classroom and homework assignments!